CAT - a - DISK =============== Disk Cataloging Program Copyright 1988,1989 - Andrew C. Manti Jr. Version 3.1 4/12/89 This program is distributed as User Supported Software. Users are licensed to copy and distribute this program freely as long as it is in its original form and includes this documentation file. It is however, protected under United States Copyright laws and as such can not be sold or in any way distributed for profit without the prior written consent of the author. User Supported Software is made possible only through the support and contributions made by satisfied users. After an initial evaluation period, if you find this program useful, you are requested to pay a $15 registration fee. Benefits of being a registered user are detailed later in this document. Thank you for your support Andrew C. Manti Jr. 2 Deana Rd. Methuen, Massachusetts 01844 CAT - a - DISK ============== Contents ---------- Introduction................................. 1 Hardware Requirements........................ 2 Registration................................. 2 Initial Set Up............................... 3 Getting Started.............................. 4 Details of Menu Choices...................... 6 Initializing Catalogs........................ 6 Cataloging Disks............................. 6 Uncataloging................................. 7 Printing..................................... 7 Searching.................................... 9 Creating Disk Identifiers.................... 9 Adding/Editing File Comments................. 9 Registration Form............................ 11 CAT - a - DISK ============== Introduction -------------- CAT - a - DISK is a disk cataloging program written in Turbo Pascal (TM Borland Int.). The program is designed to allow the user to compile a catalog of all of their floppy disks The features of this program are as follows: 1. Catalog up to 2200 filenames on floppy (unlimited on a hard disk) 2. Ability to select and use different catalog names 3. Catalog filenames from any drive on your system. (The program automatically detects what drives are available.) 4. Monochrome or color monitor operation at the touch of a key. 5. Add comments of up to 30 characters to describe or identify each file. 6. Catalog from disk root directory and up to three sub directories deep 7. Consolidated listings of all files in alphabetical order by filename in 2 column summary or single column with file comments included. 8. Detailed listings including file comments, directory information or both. 9. Listings include filename, extension, file size, and identifier of disk on which the file resides. 10. Listing by disk identifier printed in a fashion to be cut and pasted to the front of a standard 5 1/4" disk envelope. 11. Consolidated listing by disk identifier giving the amount of free space on each disk 12. All listings in a format that can be three hole punched. 13. Automatic warnings to prevent re-cataloging of the same disk twice or two disks with the same identifier. (The user has the option to continue with re-cataloging the entire disk or only newly added files.) 14. Ability to UN-catalog a disk Page 1 15. Search routine to locate the correct disk containing any filename. 16. Ability to add or edit catalog comments at any time. Hardware Requirements --------------------- IBM PC or compatible, minimum 384K RAM, 1 floppy drive, DOS 2.0 or higher and an Epson/IBM compatible printer for listings. Registration ------------ This User Supported version of CAT-a-DISK is a fully functional program with all its bells and whistles. Catalog information created with this version is totally compatible with past and future versions. Benefits of becoming a registered user include receiving a laser printed copy of the full users manual as well as a copy of the next release of Cat-a-Disk and notification of other programs as they may become available. Registering a User Supported Program also supports the concept of totally functional software as good or better than that found commercially at affordable prices. Registration is simple. Just fill in the registration form at the end of this document and also included separately as REGFORM.TXT. Send the completed form along with check or money order for $15 (Payable to Andrew C. Manti Jr.) to: CAT-a-DISK c/o Andrew C. Manti Jr. 2 Deana Rd. Methuen, Ma. 01844 You will receive your hard copy of the full user manual by return mail within 10-14 days. I thank you for your support!! Page 2 Initial Set Up -------------- All floppy disks to be cataloged must of course have some sort of identification. To make the program compatible with DOS 2.0 and 3.X, two methods of identification are recognized. (Both of the methods to be described are available to you from within the program itself by selecting option 6 at the main menu.) The first for DOS 3.X use, is the use of VOLUME LABELS on your disks. Volume labels can be initialized during disk formatting with the /V option. (i.e. FORMAT B: /V) Using this option will prompt you for a volume label as you format each disk. With DOS 3.2 you can add volume labels at a later time by using the LABEL command. (See your DOS manual for more details). If you are using DOS 2.X, the program will recognize a second method of labeling. The second method is through the use of an IDENTIFIER FILE on each disk. Although this method can also be used with DOS 3.X (separately or with Vol labels), it is the ONLY acceptable identifying method for DOS 2.X!! An Identifier (ID) File is a file on each disk which serves only to identify the disk and is only 2 or 3 bytes long. This file which has the form: DSKIDxxx can be created on any disk at any time. The first portion of the ID file name must remain the same on all disks. The last three (3) characters may be anything you wish to identify the disk. The identifier of course must follow standard DOS file naming conventions. For example the following are all acceptable disk ID filenames: DSKID001 DSKID299 DSKIDABC DSKIDA7X These filenames can be added to an existing disk by typing the following at the DOS prompt: (Substitute your ID for xxx) COPY CON DSKIDxxx (or Control Z) The computer will respond with '1 File Copied' NOTE: The 'DSKID' portion of the identifier MUST remain unchanged for the program to operate properly! Page 3 Getting Started --------------- The program file CATADSK.EXE is the only file required to start this program. This file should be copied onto whatever disk will hold your catalog files. CATADSK.EXE and the catalog files MUST reside on the same disk. The program will create additional files for catalog data and indexing. Once the CATADSK.EXE file has been copied to your catalog disk, and your disks have had identifiers added, at the DOS prompt type CATADSK to begin. The program will automatically determine all available drives on your system as well as which drive is in use and place your catalog files on that drive. The automatic detection of drives is totally functional if you are operating under DOS 3.xx. If using a DOS version less than 3, a total of 26 drives will be available. The system will however, check each drive you attempt to use and will not allow you to select a drive which does not exist. When started, a program information screen will appear. Pressing any key will erase this screen and bring up the main program menu. The main menu will offer you 8 choices: 1. Initialize New Catalog Files 2. Catalog Disks 3. UN-catalog Disk 4. Print Catalog 5. Search Catalog 6. Create Disk ID 7. Add/Edit File Comments 8. End Program Additional options are available at the bottom of the menu screen. These options which are accessed by entering the first or highlighted letter (ie [D]) will be described first. These are: [D]rive to Catalog - pressing the key will change the drive which you wish to catalog from. In the case of a floppy drive, this drive is where you place the disks you want added to your catalog. If this is a hard drive then the files on the hard drive will be cataloged. Each time you press the drive letter will change. All drives on your system are automatically identified at startup so there is no need to tell the program what drives exist. Page 4 [S]elect Catalog Name - this option gives you the opportunity to select (or create) catalogs under different file names. Using this option allows you to have separate catalogs for different types of disks. (ie. Wordprocessing files, Game files etc.) Pressing the key will display a list of available catalogs and give you the opportunity to enter the name of the one you wish to use. If you type the name of a file that does not exist, it will be created. The default catalog when you first run Cat-a-Disk is 'Catalog'. [F]ile Comments - this option allows you to add descriptions of up to 30 characters to each catalog entry. Pressing the key toggles this option on and off. Using file comments is described later in this document. [M]onitor - this option switches between Monochrome and Color monitor mode. The program initially boots in MONOCHROME mode. If you wish to run in color mode, simply press the key. Again, this is a toggle, it will change mode each time you press . At the bottom of the main menu screen you will also find the word 'Files:'. This is where you can see a running update as to the number of files you have in your catalog. Page 5 Details of Main Menu Choices ============================ Option #1: (Initialize Catalog) ------------------------------- The first time the program is used or at any time that you wish to start a new catalog, you must select choice 1 to Initialize Catalog Files. Keep in mind that this choice will ERASE any existing catalog data. With this version, if a number of different catalogs are to be kept, a separate disk for each catalog is required. When selected, this choice will verify that in fact you want to initialize (and delete any existing catalog files) before actually doing anything. Once you have initialized your catalog files, you are ready to actually start building your catalog. Option #2: Cataloging Disks --------------------------- When you are ready to actually catalog your disks, select the 'D' option from the bottom of the menu screen. Each time you press 'D' the Drive to catalog will change. Once you have selected a drive, you can select option 2 at the main menu to actually catalog your disks. You will be prompted to insert the disk to catalog in the selected drive and to press . If you decide to quit at this point, merely enter 'X' to abort the cataloging process. The disk identifier will now be checked. If that disk (or a disk with the same identifier) has already been cataloged, you will be warned and given the option to continue or abort the cataloging process. If you choose to continue, you will be given the option of recataloging the entire disk or only files which are new or have been added since the last time you cataloged the disk. If you elect to recatalog the entire disk, all references to that disk will be removed from the catalog and the disk will be cataloged as if it were a new one. If the disk to catalog has no identifier, you will be warned of this also and the program will automatically return you to the main menu. If the identifier is new or you choose to re-catalog, the disk will then be added to the catalog. If you have chosen to include file comments ([F] option) you will be prompted for your comments as each file is cataloged. If you are using a single disk system, the program will prompt you to swap disks as needed to complete the cataloging process. Safeguards are built into the system to verify that the proper disk has been inserted in the single drive so should the program repeatedly prompt for the same disk, be sure to verify which disk you have inserted! Page 6 Once the disk has been cataloged, you will be returned to the main menu from where you may catalog additional disks or continue with other options. Option #3: UN-Catalog Disks --------------------------- This option allows you to remove all references to any specific disk from the catalog without having to have the disk available. This is extremely helpful if you have erased a disk since it was cataloged and don't want the old file information to remain in the catalog. Option #4: Print Catalog ------------------------ Option 4 at the main menu will allow you to print a number of different listings giving information about your disks. When selected, this option will present you with a second menu from which you can select the various report listings to print. All printouts are formatted in a manner such that they can be later three hole punched. As with the main menu, the print menu also contains some additional options at the bottom of the menu screen. These options are: [C]omments, which when on will include file comments in your listings. These comments are added to the listings printed from the 'Listing by Filename' option on the print menu (Option 1). [D]irectory List, which when toggled on will include the actual directory in which each file resides in your listings by filename. The actual reports are as follows: 1. Listing by filename: This listing will print a header and then a two column listing of all the files which are in your disk catalog. This listing if selected will give you a list all files in alphabetical order going down the first column and then picking up at the top of the second column. Each filename will be followed by the size of the file and then the identifier of the disk which contains the file. Page 7 2. Specific Disk Identifier: This option will print a listing by disk of all files and their size in a format which can be cut out and taped to the front of a 5 1/4" disk envelope. The list will begin by printing the identifier of the disk and then the amount of free space left on it. The program then instructs the printer to go into compressed print mode, and prints all files and their size in a four column format. The filenames will be in alphabetical order from left to right in each row. A maximum of 80 filenames will fit in this format. If you are using 3 1/2" disks, the printout can be cut and folded and stored with each disk. 3. Disk Identifier Listings: The final print option is similar to the first option except that instead of printing filenames, this option lists all of your disk identifiers and shows the amount of available free space on each disk. This listing is helpful when looking to store additional files and needing to know how much space exists on any specific disk. 4. End Print Routine: This option as you would expect, ends the print routines and returns you to the main menu. Option #5: Searching Files -------------------------- Option 5 on the main menu allows you to search your entire catalog for specific filenames. This option is very handy when you remember the name (or a part of it anyway) for a file you want, but cannot remember which disk it is on. When selected, this option will prompt you for the filename you wish to locate. You may enter the entire filename or a portion of it or only the extension if you like. The program will then locate and display every like file it locates. Keep in mind that even partial matches will be displayed. As each file found is displayed along with the name of the disk it is on, you will be given the option of continuing to search for more matches or quitting at that point. If you wish to continue the search, respond to the prompt with 'Y'. Any other response will exit the search. When all files have been searched, a message indicating the end of the search will be displayed. Page 8 Note that when you enter the filename to search for, your input is case insensitive. In other words, it doesn't matter if you use upper or lower case letters, the program converts everything to upper case before searching. Option #6: Create Disk ID ------------------------- This option is to take care of the case where you want to catalog a disk but have forgotten to previously label the disk. It allows you to add a DSKIDxxx (0K) file, (MANDATORY if using DOS 2.x) or to add a volume label if using DOS 3.x. If you are using DOS 3.x, you have choice of either method of identification. If the disk you are cataloging already has a volume label, this option will change the label. Option #7: Add/Edit File Comments --------------------------------- This is a new option with version 3.1 of CAT-a-DISK. One of the major complaints I have received was that if you made a mistake during cataloging with [F]ile comments ON, or decided later that you wanted to modify a comment, you had no way to recover once you had cataloged the disk. Now you have that ability. File comments can now be added or edited for any filename in your catalog at any time you wish. When you select this option, you are first prompted for the disk identifier of the disk which contains the filename you wish to edit comments for. This is a necessary step since you may have files with the same name on a number of disks. If you are not sure of the disk ID, just check your CAT-a-DISK printouts. You are next asked whether you wish to edit or review comments for all files on this disk or a specific filename only. If you select a specific filename you are then prompted for the name of the file. You may enter the entire name and extension or just the first few letters of the name. The program will search for all files meeting this criteria and allow you to end the search and edit or continue searching until you find the correct file. At this time DOS wildcards are NOT acceptable. Once the file you wish to edit has been found, the screen will clear and you will be shown the filename and allowed to enter or edit your comments. If you select to review all comments, you will be shown ten (10) filenames at a time along with any existing comments. For each page of filenames you have four options. You may press [N] to view the next page of files, [P] to view the previous page, [Q] to quit the edit function, or you may enter the number of the file you wish to edit. If you enter a number, the cursor will move to the beginning of the comment field for that filename and you may add or edit the actual comment. Page 9 The program will allow you to view up to 299 files and comments in a group. Should the disk you are editing have more than this number you will be given the option of viewing the next group when you press [N] at the display of the 291-299th files. If you select to view the next group of files you will also be allowed to return to the previous group when you press [P] at the display of the first 10 files in the group. You can only back up one (1) group of previous files! The editing commands are straight forward: INS - switch from insert to overwrite mode DEL - delete the character under the cursor BS - (Backspace) erase the character to the left of the cursor Left & Right Arrow Keys - move cursor left or right Home - Move to start of comment END - Move to last character in comment ENTER - End edit The program will default to a mode to enter new comments. If you wish to edit an existing comment and find nothing happens when you type, just press the INS key and you will be in business. Option #8: End Program ---------------------- This option at the main menu is self explanatory. Page 10 CAT - a - DISK Disk Cataloging Program Version 3.1 Registration Form ================= Please register me as a user of CAT-a-DISK. This form along with my $15 (Fifteen dollar) registration fee entitles me to a printed copy of the user manual by return mail as well as a copy of the next release of Cat-a-Disk. Name:__________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________ City:___________________________State:_______ Zip:___________ ============================================================= The following information will aid me in determining what types of other programs and support might be of interest. Please take a second and help me out! 1. Computer:____________________________ 2. Printer:_____________________________ 3. Is Monitor Color or Mono? _________________ 4. Do you have a hard disk? __________________ 5. Where did you obtain your User Supported version of this program? THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT.............. Please mail with check or money order payable to Andrew C. Manti Jr. (NO cash please!) to: CAT-a-DISK c/o Andrew C. Manti Jr. 2 Deana Rd. Methuen, MA. 01844